Facebook's: "Invite People Who Like This Post to Like Your Page" currently not working
Oh no you're not!
If you click on the list of users who have liked a post on your Facebook Page,
you may see the following screen shot:
I have gayed out the faces on the left of the invite buttons
This feature should in theory allow you to invite users who have liked your post to like your page. The problem is that it doesn't seem to be currently working. Many Page managers in Facebook's forums are reporting that this feature simply does not work.
No invite of any sort is sent. The problem is compounded by the fact, that once you click on the 'Invite' button, it will actually say 'Invited', leaving you to think that an invite has been sent. But alas it hasn't.
It's not clear whether Facebook will ever make this feature functional, possibly fearing users being flooded with too many invites and hence making them less likely to 'like' posts in the future. That's fair enough, it may not be a very good idea. But if it's not functional, it shouldn't really be in the user display.
Facebook's: "Invite People Who Like This Post to Like Your Page" currently not working