1. Ok be more down to earth and authentic. Present us for who we really are a group of independent marketing agencies, who have come together to serve clients with global ambitions.
  2. Homepage
  3. Finish about us page
  4. Prepare package for agencies:
    1. Find agency (2 for each country)
    2. Contact by telephone and email. Linkedin with ceo
    3. If you are interested fill in this form.
    4. Explain to them the proposal in simple terms
    5. The name of the CEO, a picture of CEO, a picture of office, number of employees, case studies, images of case studies they can upload (maybe a separate form for case studies - format for case study image). Competencies, maybe just get them to tick boxes, countries they can cover, 
    6. So what is the relationship, we brand everyone as persicom lebanon or persicom ksa or whatever, in london we work on facebook, twitter, website, blog show casing case studies etc. we are hoping this joint effort will bring in new business. If we get new business centrally, then we will of course get in touch with you for price of campaign etc to carry it out. IF you are approached directly by the client as a persicom branch, we ask you to to put aside a 10% agency fee to provide to us. Make sure they are not confused over this 10% fee.
    7. Please ask your receptionist to be aware if a potential client asks for persicom
    8. Please provide us with new content every month. We will focus on marketing the brand by PR, social media, as well trying to land deals centrally for other markets.
    9. Please list the prominent websites and media in your country for us to put in the media portfolio. Another form for this....TV stations - websites etc. by category
    10. Feel free to list the London number and headquarters in your own literature. And we encourage you to make friends and meet other members of the family.
    11. This is a strong setup as we all keep our independence and our existing client base, but we are networking to increase overall business.
    12. Quality of service is very important. If we have a campaign for 6 countries, one bad performance from one country lets everybody else down. So performance and level of service is crucial.
    13. Please note that Persicom may at anytime choose to eject an agency from the group and select an alternative. Of course we would not want to do this if the relationship is going well. Reasons for this could include but are not limited to not paying a 10% fee, not providing a high quality service, failing to provide reports on campaigns etc. or other reasons.
    14. Please note that it may take some time for marketing etc to take affect. This venture should be viewed as a marketing venture by your company and carry on with your normal plans and business activities.
    15. The reason we are doing this is because marketing has become a global business and we risk losing business unless we have a global perspective
  5. Look into  (address - virtual address, phone) - only make real when sending out emails to agencies
  6. Ask neda to make graphics and make pretty
  7. Get logo and business card designed
  8. Introduce each agency person as the ceo of that region with photo. Start of with agencies you know.
  9. ask them for case studies...
  10. Go online
  11. Blog, twitter, facebook
  12. Portfolio page?
  13. Add websites to media list
  14. Add partner companies worldwide
  15. Once this is done, you may need to look for a partner or an agency to take a share and help in engaging clients and bringing people on board.







Our asset:

- Establish a network of global digital publishers


- Let us run your global campaign, we can do creatives, media planning and buying, reports, analysis, elimination of under performing websites, adwords, social media, integration of digital campaign to make sure all resources are used optimally, digital pr & general pr.

- Campaigns are now global

- London based firm